Sunday, August 17, 2008


For the past ten days I was a writer in residence because I'm completing my Master's Degree. The program it's not easy either. My training in writing began like most of you, with scribbles, cooed over by an adoring loved one who declared you an immediate genius. My mother was quite the mom, but she didn't coo undeservedly. Her version of praise went like this: "That's nice, but next time try and color INSIDE the line." Well. Okay then. Needless to say, I've been coloring inside the lines for years now and have entered into the thesis module of this educational program. Let me tell you, this ain't no cake walk.

What I learned from mom is that excellence is earned. Listen.
I also know that I must write. Not just for pay. I must write for me.

I've got to go now. My thesis is calling.

As for the title--life is often challenging--and we've all heard the when life gives you lemons. . .well, I say when life gives you grapes, make Red Sangria Wine. The recipe is below.

Red Sangria Wine
Red Wine, Saki, grape juice, apple, juice, plum juice, pomegranate juice, orange slice, pineapple slice, pears, cut strawberries and lime slices.

1 comment:

Lisa Dale said...

Your thesis is gonna rock! No doubt it will be smart and have 'em rolling in the aisles.