Thursday, January 18, 2007

Blogging and other important time users of the day

Today is one of those days where I started with the best of intentions and I'm wondering what went wrong. I got online to answer a few e-mail and that took 2 hours. I somehow ended up at my blog and saw that it was sorely out of date. Soooo, I sat at my desk and for the next 2 hours proceeded to update it. Now mind you, I have work to do! Yes, serious work. Then I got a text message. YIPPEE. Who's it from? I don't know. So what do I do? Investigate the text message!
No, I haven't found out who it's from. So what do I do next? Write a blog about my day. Umm, I believe I have a problem. Yes, it's a mental illness. It's called Carmen wants to be a crazy person, locked in an asylum that serves canned food all day long. Does anyone else see me ending my life by papercut? Hmm. . .I think I will go to work now. I wonder, what area code is 504? Why is there a dog in my yard? Why are the neighbors outside talking? Maybe later I'll get a mani/pedi---Uh. . .
Okaaay, you don't have to get out the zap paddles. I'm on to writing, Suddenly Single, Trina Crawford's story. Then reading Toni Morrison's, Beloved.


Nina Foxx said...

Beloved, huh? I would say I'd read with you but don't you want to read Paradise? Procrastination can be something else, but let's face it, just because we work at home doesn't mean we are immune. We'd procrastinate in an office too. Gossiping at the water cooler(okay, you would do that, but not me), meandering in the lobby, surfing the net. The only thing that would be missing would be your ability to see your front yard, unless of course, you have that camera thing on you computer that lets you....Carm, can you get a webcam?

Carla said...

If you don't sit your crazy self down and write, I'm driving to your home(so what, I'm in another state. I know how to break the speed limit) and taking your blackberry and disconnecting your internet service...TODAY! Get to work or else.

Love ya,

Danielle said...

Mom u always start with the best of intentions and always get distracted but its ok i still love u anyway!!

Lori Bryant-Woolridge said...

You didn't mention the time spent on the phone and surfing the net, ecetera. Ending your life by papercut...there's got to be a book in that! You're funny so I'll be coming back.

And how did Nina get her picture up on your blog?