Saturday, September 01, 2007

Trial Run

Today I had a dress rehearsal of sorts. Today was my first booksigning in a long time. I was on a panel and I'd agreed to do this months ago. I had misgivings because I had to talk to people. Does anyone hear me? I had to speak aloooouuuud. Not to the window or the trees or the cat that's always in my yard but isn't my cat, or my computer. By its very nature, writing is a solitary business. It's done alone in the quiet and solemness of your home or office, and it's been this way for me for months. I had to leave the house. Today. I had even invited people. So I had to go. Needless to say, I had some maintenance to do. People always 'look at authors and say you look so great, pretty, nice'. But I'm here to tell you, we all resemble hairy wildabeast that need to be tamed and pruned before we can step off our sunny porches into the sun. Yes, we're scared of the sun too. We don't know what it feels like until we're zipping into the store for precooked chicken and cole slaw. So after I shaved and culled the hair back to its proper length, I had to go stand in my closet and demand only the clothes that fit to leap off the hangers and fit me. Nothing happened. I had to try stuff on. Now, I'm no diva. I'm partial to men's boxers and a sports bra. I know, scary. But today I had to dress and put on shoes. Ten changes later I walked from my closet in a decent pair of jeans, top and shoes. I left 2.5 hours early, okay, so I get lost a lot, and I set out on my journey. By the time I got to the signing, a 37 minutes trip, that took me 2.1 hours, well, I wasn't so spring fresh and I was wondering if I was nuts to have left my house.

Well. . .it was all worth it. I met readers, saw a lot of friends, and had a good time. I'm glad I went to the panel/signing. Thanks to Anna, Karen and Wendy. I'm glad I left my house today.
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported GRW and the Decatur Book Festival, and when I go out again in two weeks, I'll be in tip top shape.
JBM--Just Being Me--Carmen

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